Day 28 – Somewhere in India to somewhere else in India

Starting point – the town of Mangaon: After a breakfast consisting of biscuits (as nowhere was open), I set off around 7.00am and was pleasantly surprised to find it below 20 degrees.  The day was due to be just under 100 miles but with a fair bit of climbing, so I was hoping to be done around 5 o’clock.  However, by accident, I actually passed the town I had planned to stop in and only realised the mistake after about 5km…and cycling back was not really an option.   After a call home I set the finishing point for the next opportunity, so either way I have done about 25 kilometres more than planned.

The first few hours were great: my speed was good; the scenery was interesting and I was eating and drinking better than yesterday.  Only a handful of roads were in need of maintenance, so thankfully no punctures today either.

The day only got hard around 2 o’clock when the heat really got to me.  I was heading up what I thought was the final big climb of the day (the extra miles added one more) when the temperature rose over 40 degrees.  With no breeze, I really started to feel it.  At the top, I had to take a half hour break to recover.  I probably got a bit dehydrated at this point as an hour later I had to stop to recover again.  Feeling very light-headed I sat on the roadside to drink as much as I could.  Slowly I improved and for the last half hour of the ride I started feeling good again.

Unfortunately, by missing my stop, it added another hour of riding.  My legs felt good and I decided to push the pace – which worked out well until the final uphill stretch.  Regardless I found a hotel (though not one to be recommended) and finished the day very tired. Finish point is Hathkhamba about 8 miles before Ratnagiri.

My body in general feels good. The most painful things at the moment are my hands.  I have been wearing thick gloves for the last month so the reduction in padding has made them a bit sore, and the numerous bumps in the road don’t help either.   With regard to my knee, it is still a bit stiff when I wake up but I think the heat is helping.  Towards the end of Europe, it took about an hour of riding for the pain to ease – I guess until the muscles/tendons loosen up – but here it has gone within 10 minutes.

As for the temperature, I have experienced a range of nearly 50 degrees in 10 days, so it will probably take a few more days before my body is used to it.

Despite a few struggles, today has been a good day and India has kept me interested.  I am yet to start reciting lines from films in order to distract myself…

Today’s ride:

Distance: 112.47 miles / 181.0 km

Riding Time: 8:15:41

Av. Speed: 13.6mph / 21.9kph

Max Temperature: at least 41.6 degrees (around 107 Fahrenheit for any Americans amongst you)

5 Replies to “Day 28 – Somewhere in India to somewhere else in India”

  1. It’s incredible what you can put your body through Tom, like you say a massive change in temperature within a matter of a few days, doubt you will need to pull on a pair of Skyline Pants for a while. Keep the sun lotion topped up, don’t want you burning. Cheers matey, keep on rolling.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tom you will have many days like that I am sure, do watch the heat it is very sapping,especially as you have had such a lot of rather cold weather. Love from us both Grandma & Granddad.


  3. Great to see all your stats in metric (although it should be km/h not kph!!), dont pander to the Americans, we know that 40 degrees is blooming hot!


  4. ‘Mad dogs and Englishmen’, as the saying goes. You may need to think about starting even earlier in the day (4/5am), resting in the hot part (siesta) and resuming in the late afternoon. Do like the locals otherwise you will expire quickly in these countries. May mess with your daily momentum though. Eat lots of pulses too. Will give you mega energy and you’ll have jet propulsion from the back end!!!! X


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